Practice of evidence based veterinary medecine À distance

Dernière mise à jour : 17/10/2024

Bannière visuelle de présentation de la formation
"Because veterinarians are responsible for the medical care of their patients, it is also their responsibility to understand inferences about treatments presented in papers.” (Evans 2007)

Tarif particulier

A special price can be applied according to your status

Age <= 30 : 450 €


Day 1

Fundamental basics in statistical testing, statistical power and sample size calculation, introduction to survival analysis and Kaplan-Meier curves.

Day 2

Quantification of associations and biases, introduction to multivariate regression models, study design for causal inference.

Day 3

Choosing the correct statistical test and interpreting the usual statistics performed in papers, interpreting results from a survival analysis, practical on the statistical power of a study and sample size calculation.

Day 4

Anticipating and discussing the presence bias for causal inference, interpretation of results from regression models, critical appraisal of scientific papers in veterinary clinical research

Objectifs de la formation

Being able to critically appraise the evidence when reading papers or when listening any conference presentation requires minimum skills in Biostatistics and Epidemiology. These skills are the ones to understand the statistical analyses performed by scientists, to interpret the statistical results, and to analyze the consistency between the statistical methods used to obtain the results and the clinical message(s) based on these results.

The EnvA proposes an online MasterClass in Biostatistics and Epidemiology which proposes two consecutive days of lectures illustrated by captions from scientific papers in veterinary clinical research followed by two consecutive days dedicated to critical appraisal of such papers.

  • To better understand statistics when reading scientific papers;
  • To be aware about common misinterpretations of statistical results;
  • To distinguish relevant clinical messages from irrelevant ones based on the methodology used (including the study design) and the presence of biases.

Public visé

Residents, PhD students, academic staff, and veterinary surgeons from private companies or clinics involved in clinical veterinary research.


Having read scientific papers presenting results with p-values in (veterinary) clinical research.

Modalités pédagogiques

Lectures: two days

Practical work: two days


Points CFC_ECTS : 3,15


To register in foreign language,  please use Chrome, and right click anywhere on the webpage to translate it into your own language.

Moyens et supports pédagogiques

Online MasterClass by using Teams software. A video camera and a micro are necessary to attend the MasterClass.

Modalités d'évaluation et de suivi

Necessary attendance of the 4 days of the MasterClass

Profil du / des Formateur(s)

Full Professor in Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology



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Détail des créneaux de la session sélectionnée :
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Session sélectionnée

  • 03/04/25 → 08/04/25 20 places restantes
  • Détails :

    03/04/25 : 9:00 → 12:45
    13:30 → 17:00
    04/04/25 : 9:00 → 12:45
    13:30 → 17:00
    07/04/25 : 9:00 → 12:45
    13:30 → 17:00
    08/04/25 : 9:00 → 12:45
    13:30 → 17:00

Prochaines Sessions

  • Désolé, cette formation n'est pas programmée pour le moment.

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